Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle LE (Stern) Pinball - Part 1 - The Pick-Up [4K60FPS]

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle LE (Stern) Pinball - Part 1 - The Pick-Up [4K60FPS]

Postby TopTierArcade » Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:00 pm

Lucky number 7 pinball machine crawls home to Top Tier Arcade!!! Another pinball machine stricken off my "short list." I had to sacrifice and fold both Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Data East) and Swords of Fury to fit the new game in the apartment, but well worth it. Plus, I have to drop off the Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga Cocktail machine as well. It's going to be a busy night. Let's jump in the van and get this done!

I paid $Bro Price$ (Canadian dollars) for this machine.

All this and more in this video...

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