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Taken! Free semi-MAME'd Tempest cabinet - Markham Ontario

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:12 am
by ericball
I'm giving away my semi-MAME'd Tempest cabinet. You just need to bring some way to get it out of my basement and to your home. Read on if you're interested.


Many many moons ago (2004) I rescued a Tempest cabinet from the curb. No monitor or marquee, but it did have the control panel. (Also the PCBs, but those were given away to someone who could use them to bring their cabinet to life.) I had grand plans to set it up with MAME to play Tempest and other games using the original controls. While it's basically functional, it never reached the "complete" stage.

What you will be getting: cabinet with control panel (including original spinner & volcano buttons) & coin door, IBM P200 XGA 21" monitor (decased and mounted), custom speaker "marquee", along with a "tall" coin door and any other parts I find laying around.

For $100 I'll throw in a brand new Ultimarc UHID to replace the hacked keyboard & mouse controllers, PC with AtomicFE and MAME ready to play and a stereo receiver/amp to drive those speakers.

Re: Tempest cabinet for sale (cheap!)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:32 am
by c0nn0r

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